What are the overall goals of rehabilitation?

Rehabilitation helps minimize or delay the disabling effects of chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, cancer and diabetes, by equipping people with self-management strategies and the support products they need, or by addressing pain or other complications. Goal setting is used to direct rehabilitation interventions toward a specific outcome or outcomes, and can result in greater client satisfaction and better recovery. Establishing shared goals can also coordinate members of the multidisciplinary team and ensure that they work together toward a common goal and that nothing important is missed. The objectives can also be used to evaluate the success of rehabilitation interventions.

Goal setting is important for rehabilitation because it can motivate the patient, especially when they are functional and directly related to real-life activities. There is a growing body of literature dedicated to underlying theories, methods and evidence for goal setting in rehabilitation. A meaningful goal can maximize patient participation and motivate them to participate in rehabilitation in order to achieve their goals. The support of a rehabilitation provider to help the veteran establish, work to reach and reach them helps build trust and a sense of hope for the future.

Rather than considering this as a failure, unachieved goals can be used to discuss what could be a realistic outcome for a person's rehabilitation and to guide challenging discussions about expectations versus reality. A term and acronym to underpin, recall and support the rethinking of goal-setting actions and activities, which could be more relevant to rehabilitation.

Jennie Hovey
Jennie Hovey

Amateur internet buff. Typical beer evangelist. Extreme internet ninja. Certified pop culture buff. Hardcore zombieaholic. Hipster-friendly zombie maven.